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Only $995.00
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Check out the New Gunalight Stand
Gunalight is unlike any light therapy device on the market. From the innovative light source, to the genuine brass tube, to the precision natural crystal lens—every component comes together in perfect harmony to emit powerful, full-spectrum light with never-before-seen properties that maximize its healing potential.

Just like an acupuncture needle, Gunalight is designed to be applied at acupuncture points to recharge and redirect Qi. However, Gunalight has the truly unique potential to add energy back into a depleted system. Use Gunalight in conjunction with other treatments to both restore and rebalance Qi reserves, and watch your treatments work more quickly and powerfully than ever before.
What's Included?
Gunalight includes the following items:

  • Gunalight Full-spectrum Light Therapy Device with Round Crystal Lens
  • Beautiful Gift Box
  • Matching Protective Brass Tube
  • General Energy Protocol Visual Guide (PDF)
  • Free Gunalight Mobile App for iOS and Android (US and Canada only)
  • Advanced Product Video Training

What Is Gunalight?
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Introducing Gunalight, the latest advancement in acupuncture technology. Gunalight sits at the intersection of nature and science with never-before-seen healing potential made possible by a proprietary crystal lens and uniquely-constructed metal alloys.

Gunalight harnesses the power of full-spectrum light therapy, directed through a proprietary crystal lens that alters and enhances the light's wavelength. This unique process maximizes the impact on your body's cells and energy pathways, illuminating the path to more powerful and effective acupuncture treatments.

Gunalight provides an edge that sets you apart as a practitioner, enhancing your patient outcomes and building trust.

For just $995, you get the Gunalight device, complimentary training (coming soon!), and access to our user-friendly companion app (Coming soon! Compatible with iPhone and Android). You'll also become part of a growing community of cutting-edge practitioners committed to better patient outcomes, and elevating the acupuncture profession to new heights.

So, are you ready to unlock a new dimension of practice success with Gunalight? Take the first step today!
 Don't Just Take Our Word For It 
 See what our happy users and practitioners have to say about their transformation with Gunalight 
Recently, I was experiencing an abnormal amount of anxiety and stress that lasted for about 30 days. I received Gunalight treatments after my acupuncturist graphed me with AcuGraph. I felt my body receiving warmth, and a sensation of love and peace. I felt I was beginning to return to myself. After two treatments with the Gunalight, I felt “back.” I was no longer being hijacked by anxious feelings about the future. I was grounded. I was present. I could breathe deep. I felt like my joyful-energetic self again.

Gunalight brought me out of an energetic state of fear and anxiety that was so present in my body—into a state of gentle surrender, deep calm and a return to my whole self.

After a couple weeks, I still feel great.

Lindsay Hurst, LMT
Gunalight’s ability to move crystalline light energy through the meridian pathway without a needle opens up unlimited possibilities for acupuncturists and energy healers alike. Here are some of the ways that I am utilizing the Gunalight in my clinic daily:

  • Entry/Exit Point Treatment
  • Neuropathy Point Stimulation
  • Activation of the Chakras
  • Extraordinary Vessel Treatment
  • Supplemental Treatment Between Visits (Home Care)
  • AND—SELF care for ME

The sky's the limit for expanding the potential of the Gunalight for balancing the acupuncture pathways. It's powerful, it's effective and it's convenient.
Dr. Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac.
After purchasing & using Gunalight, amazing things started happening! My right shoulder has gotten a new life. The pains from the stubborn inflammation are gone. I sleep like a child at night & wake up with an energy that I have not known for a long time! It did not take long for my body to heal itself. I spread the word about Gunalight wherever I go—that this really works! I experienced quick results, even from the first treatment. The results keep coming!
Liz Marie Rogenfjell Trondheim
Note: The above individuals may have been compensated for their testimonials.
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